Thursday, December 3, 2009

Digital Photo Montage #2

What I did in this photo is that I took the water as the background. Then I took all different types of sea animals, some I really like, some that are predators in the Ocean. I love seahorses, fishies, sea urchins, and dolphins. Then I added the rainbow fish from the Rainbow Fish book some "Plush Sea Animals" [the shark, killer whale, and dolphin] and added those in. I put Nemo in there as well if you look closely towards the left-hand side towards the bottom. The reason that I chose to do something with water is because I am a Pisces and I love water. I love fishing and swimming and going out on boats. And I know it may sound weird but I always wanted to be a mermaid when I was little. Lol...but it is important to me to recognize something that is a part of me.

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