Thursday, December 3, 2009

Digital Photo Montage #1

The Fourth of July is something that is very important to me. Not just because of the celebration and the friends and the good times & memories.
It is because of America's past. It's for the Red of our American Flag, our heroes bled for it. Faced steel and lead for it, slept with the dead for it. This is the courage of Red.
Then it's for the White of the American Flag. We citizens watch for it, people fight for it, we cling so tight to it, this is the purity of White.
Here's to the Blue of it. We've lost more than a few for it. Our nation grew with it, Courage got us through it. We love the view of it, let us not forget the hue of it, the justice of the Blue.
What I did was I took the American Flag [for our heroes] as the background, then added the two fireworks [how proud we are to be part of America] to it. I put the American flag cake/pie [show our celebrations of it] in it (in the corner) and then put the two popsicles in it [for the kids].

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