Monday, January 25, 2010

Series Photos

In my series I tried to portray loneliness. It's a little boy holding his bear. All by himself in his room, and I think that adding the black and white effect to the photo will really draw the viewer's eye to it. The different angles and poses, plus to one different view of the boys facial expression can really provoke feelings of loneliness to the viewer along with using the black and white. Which is what I was going for.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Color Photos

With the red I was going for something more chaotic, and kind of wild and crazy. And I think that this picture really displays it well.

With this photo, there wasn't exactly a mood but it could be relaxing. Because I use my lava-lamp when I'm trying to sleep or just chill in my room. And I think the lava-lamp really exudes it, especially because my color is a green-ish one, so it just lets the stress fall off.

I think that my favorite or best picture is the one of the candle. Looking at it really gives off a calming vibe, the relaxtion just comes to you. And that is what I was going for. You can see the deep green of it at the bottom then it getting lighter as you go up, til it is yellow. And even the yellow can sometimes give a sense of happiness and euphoria, which I love. I think this picture is great.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Photoshop Tutorial

I did the Eery-Eye tutorial. It looks a little different on the one they show but it gets the point across. Twisting the color of the eye, adding the spotlight lighting effect to the picture. Then putting some extra colors in there to really bring out the pupil in the eye. Also using the burn tool to darken the pic, and then the dodge tool to lighten the areas that I wanted lighter.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010